
GRE Word List

There are several free and favorite lists available on the internet from "Barron's," "GRE Big Book." This list is exclusively compiled by our team, and we keep on adding important vocab words. Try to learn as many words as you can.
Following GRE words are arranged in increasing order of complexity.

GRE Word List - 1

philanthropist one who loves mankind
introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings
antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease
strive to make great efforts, to struggle
ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well
retrospective Looking back on past
introvert one who turns towards himself
malevolent malicious; evil; having or showing ill will
ambiguous doubtful; uncertain
aggravate make worse; irritate
equilibrium state of being balanced
entice attract, lure
stray wander lose one's way
precursors a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or job.
renovate restore something to better condition
alleviate make (pain) easier to bear
adorn add beauty; decorate
curriculum course of study
endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard
abhor to hate; to detest
agile active; quick-moving
drowsiness feeling sleepy half asleep
suffocate cause or have difficulty in breathing
sequence succession connected line of
scent smell (especially pleasant)
braggart boastful
disrobe undress
xenophile (zen-uh-fahyl) a person who is attracted to foreign peoples cultures
heterogeneous made up of different kinds
connote Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning
massacre cruel killing of a large number of people
submerge put under water liquid sink out of sight
fragile easily injured broken or destroyed
amalgamate mix; combine; unite societies
sporadic happening from time to time
conceal hide keep secret
combustion process of burning
conjoin to join together
audacious Bold
affinity close connection; relationship
legacy Bequest or inheritance
animosity strong dislike
correlate have a mutual relation
sadistic Cruel
premature doing or happening something before the right time
adulteration making unpure; poorer in quality
indigenous native
extinguish end the existence of/wipe or put out
shunned avoided, kept away from
surcharge additional load/charge
edible fit to be eaten/not poisonous
opaqueness dullness/not allowing light to pass through
disallow refuse to allow or accept as a correct
grumble to complain
warrant authority written order guarantee
anguish severe suffering
console give comfort or sympathy to
timid shy easily frightened
impermeable that cannot be permeated
extinct no longer active
clientele customers
accolade praise; approval
ascend go or come up
catalyst substance that causes speeding up
somersault rolling backward or forward (not sideways) movement
abide be faithful; to endure
apt well-suited; quick-witted
shallow little depth; not earnest
inquest Legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a jury and especially made by a coroner into the cause of someone.s death
brittle easily broken
odor smell
appease make quiet or calm
offhand Without preparation or forethought
scribble write hastily
relapse fall back again
dwarf person much smaller the usual size
nihilism total rejection of all religious and moral beliefs
rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearance
reminiscent suggest something in the past
dangle hand or swing loosely
negligent taking too little care
ingest take in by swallowing
arrogance proud; superior manner of behaviour
reiterate say or do again several times
acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval
divergence getting farther apart from a point
vigorous strong energetic
hospitable liking to give hospitality
allegiance duty support loyalty
abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)
sawdust tiny bits of wood
affable polite and friendly
judicious sound in judgment; wise
salvage the saving of property from loss
sluggard lazy slow-moving person
commuter person who travels regularly
embezzle use in a wrong way for one's own benefit
fragrant sweet-smelling
weigh measure hoe heavy something is
moderation quality of being limited; not extreme
clot half-solid lump formed from liquid
acumen Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
flop fail/move/fall clumsily
ossified turned to bone; hardened like bone; Inflexible
commemorate keep the memory of
narcissism Self-love
eloquence fluent speaking skillful use of language
steeply rising or falling sharply
ameliorate improve; make better
succumb yield, die
enduring lasting
invincible too strong to be defeated
turmoil trouble disturbance
sanity health of mind soundness of judgment
torque twisting force causing rotation
reconcile settle a quarrel restore peace
derivative unoriginal; obtained from another source
livid Furiously angry, enraged
plea request
benefactor person who has given help
cryptic secret with a hidden meaning
engulf swallow up
enzyme catalyst
sponge porous rubber for washing live at once expense
defer postpone
misogynist one who hates women/females
infuriate fill with fury or rage
renowned celebrated; famous
riddle puzzling person or thing
encapsulate enclose in capsule
dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development
hypocrisy falsely making oneself appear to be good
grievous causing grief or pain; serious dire grave
euphoria elation state of pleasant excitement
fission splitting or division (esp. of cells)
pertain belong as a part have reference
tadpole form of a frog when it leaves the egg
constrict make tight or smaller
poseur a person who attempts to impress by acting unlike himself
eradicate get rid of pull up by the roots
evoke call up bring out
shard A piece of broken pottery
perish be destroyed decay
disproof proof to the contrary
impromptu without preparation
extralegal outside the law
volatile changeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive
implicit implied though; not plainly expressed
moribund in a dying state; near death
perjury willful FALSE statement unlawful act
mischievous harmful; causing mischief
luminary star; light-giving body
meticulous giving great attention to details
flimsy lacking solidarity, strength
suffice be enough
parenthesis sentence within another one something separated
gait a manner of walking, stepping, or running
loll rest to sit or stand in a lazy way hang (dog's tongue)
satiate satisfy fully
sanction approval (by authority) penalty
pluck pull the feathers off pick (e.g.. flowers)
mesmerize hypnotize
dupe cheat make a fool of
erratic irregular in behaviour or opinion
sobriety quality or condition of being sober
sophisticated complex; subtle; refined
connoisseur a person with good judgement (e.g.. in art)
inclined directing the mind in a certain direction
chisel steel tool for shaping materials
pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance
alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior
dislodge move force from the place occupied
foolproof incapable of failure or error
limp lacking strength; walking unevenly
recuperate become strong after illness loss exhaustion
paradigm a model example or pattern
turbulence being uncontrollably violent
permeate spread into every part of
auxiliary helping; supporting
mite A very small amount, portion, or particle
complaisant trying to please; obliging
spear weapon with a metal point on a long shaft
predominate have more power than others
bewilder puzzle; confuse
abysmal extreme bad
partisan one-sided committed to a party biased or prejudiced
gullible easily gulled
fidelity loyalty accuracy
dullard a stupid, insensitive person
yarn tale story fibers for knitting
foster nurture; care for
articulate speak distinctly; connect by joints
fleet number of ships; quick-moving
gallant brave,behaves well with women
vivacious lively high-spirited
recitals a number of performance of music
coagulation change to a thick and solid state
patron regular customer person who gives support
abstruse difficult to comprehend; obscure
malleable yielding easily shaped; moldable; adapting
impede hinder; get in the way of
forgery counterfeit
elaborate worked out with much care in great detail
Lambaste attack verbally
liberality free giving; generosity
solvent of the power of forming a solution
tractable easily controlled or guided
calipers metal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument
concur agree in opinion happen together
redeem get back by payment compensate
aberration straying away from what is normal
indistinct not easily heard; seen clearly marked
resuscitation coming back to consciousness
pivotal of great importance (others depend on it)
dote show much fondness center one's attention
knit draw together; unite firmly
stride walk with long steps
diabolical having the qualities of a devil
sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool
unscathed unharmed unhurt
immutable that cannot be changed
ail to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to.
jabber talk excitedly; utter rapidly
ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings
centurion leader of a unit of 100 soldiers
tonic something giving strength or energy
cumbersome burdensome; heavy and awkward to carry
implosion collapse; bursting inward
cordial warm and sincere
brass yellow metal (mixing copper and zinc)
evasive tending to evade
enigma something that is puzzling
feud bitter quarrel over a long period of time
reverent feeling or showing deep respect
buoyant able to float; light-hearted
turquoise greenish-blue precious stone
euthanasia easy and painless death
chortle loud chuckle of pleasure or amusement
eulogy formal praise panegyric
bogus sham; counterfeit; not genuine
skit short piece of humorous writing
substantiation giving facts to support (statement)
superimpose put something on the top
decree order given by authority
misanthrope person who hates mankind
savor taste flavor something
dexterity skill (esp. in handling)
incongruous out of place; not in harmony or agreement
concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
swerve change direction suddenly
underbid make a lower bid then somebody else
convoluted complicated;coiled; twisted
indefatigability not easily exhaustible; tirelessness
derogatory insulting; tending to damage
indulgent inclined to indulge
coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance
boisterous noisy; restraint
irate angry
hoax mischievous trick played to deceive
cognizant being fully aware of
unearth discover and bring to light
repel refuse to accept/cause dislike
retrograde receding
imminent likely to come or happen soon
gust outburst of feeling; sudden rain wind fire etc.
repulsive causing a feeling of disgust
apartheid brutal racial discrimination
multifarious varied; motley; greatly diversified
plunge move quickly suddenly and with force
presentiment anticipatory fear; premonition
writ written order
soggy heavy with water
warmonger person who stirs up war
treacherous not to be trusted, perfidious
woo try to win
repertoire A stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform
nary not any; no;
pinchbeck An alloy of zinc and copper used as imitation gold; A cheap imitation
defiance open disobedience or resistance
irrevocable final and unalterable
asterisk the mark * (e.g.. omitted letters)
plummet fall plunge steeply
reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similar
coerce compel to force to make obedient
valiant brave
candid frank; straight-forward
frantic wildly excited with joy; pain; anxiety
torment severe pain or suffering
earthenware dishes made of baked clay
revere have deep respect for
counterfeit forgery
proliferate grow reproduce by rapid multification
precursory preliminary; anticipating
squander spend wastefully
vindictive having a desire to revenge
alcove recess/partially enclosed place
exculpate to clear from a charge of guilt
pinch be too tight take between the thumb and finger
deplete use until none remains
personable pleasing in appearance attractive

There are around 1300 words which we think are essential for GRE exam. All words have explanation and usage examples.

Word of the day

suborn : induce by bribery or something to commit perjury

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