DegreeWorks - what is it?
DegreeWorks is a web-based auditing and planning tool that is used by students and advisors alike, to evaluate a student's academic progress towards completion of his/her degree. The tool provides an organized,
convenient and accessible way for college students to be aware of where they are academically and how they can plan for their graduation.
DegreeWorks generally consists of three components that assist students and
advisors as they work towards graduation success.
The Degree Worksheet
- A view of a student's academic progress, that lets users
determine which requirements are met, in progress, or needed.
The Academic Plan
- A semester wise outline of a student's academic present and
future, charting out a path to graduation based on remaining
classes in the DegreeWork sheet.
The Transfer Equivalency Self-Service
- A mapping of the classes completed at previous institutions, to
ascertain the requirements met by the transfer credit. After the
transfer courses are determined, students can evaluate the courses
they want to take.
The data in DegreeWorks is updated every night. Any revisions made (e.g.,
grade changes or classes added/withdrawn) will be reflected in by the next
day at the latest.
How DegreeWorks Benefits Students
DegreeWorks will assist a student in achieving their objective of timely
graduation by:
Reducing paperwork and manual degree checklists through an online
Assessing their progress towards degree completion
Confirming the student's academic standing
Recognizing courses that need to be taken, transferred or completed
Electing courses that meet the student's degree requirements
Designing courses to take in future semesters
Determining a projected graduation date, and
Selecting a new major, minor or concentration (What-If)
If a student is considering changing his degree program, the What If
the feature allows him and his advisor to see how the courses he has taken fit
into his educational program before making a final decision.
How DegreeWork Benefits Faculty and Advisors
DegreeWorks will help faculty and advisors, with their plan to equip
students with the most current and accurate information by:
Supporting real-time delivery of academic guidance, through
intuitive web interfaces
Presenting a clear outline of missing requirements to assisting
students in picking the best courses
Allowing advisors to search for students by school, degree, and/or
major to inspect degree progress
Examining GPA and academic growth
Minimizing errors through consistent degree plans
Saving time by utilizing the What-If scenario if a student is
interested in a new major
Facilitating the process of degree certification
Formulating an Academic Plan to ensure students are on track for
Reducing manual program check sheets and paperwork
DegreeWorks is designed to help and promote academic advising. It is not
intended as a substitute for valuable one-on-one sessions with academic
Organizing a degree audit
The audit is broken down into categories, called blocks. The first block at
the top of the audit provides the student demographic information, which is
followed by the blocks that contain the requirements. These blocks help
students in overseeing progress in completing the degree.
When should the students look at the DegreeWorks audit
meeting with the academic advisor to discuss registration for an
upcoming term
registration, to plan the student's program for the term
registration, to ensure that the courses selected apply to the
students' expected requirements
the grades for each term are posted
filing for graduation, to review the academic record
time the student makes a change to his schedule
DegreeWorks audit is different from a transcript
The student’s degree audit is an unofficial document that can be viewed as
a tool to provide him/her with academic information related to his/her
degree progress and help him/her plan his/her academic schedule. The degree
audit is not the official academic transcript.
Example of how DegreeWorks helped colleges and universities
Example 1
The challenge: Improve efficiencies in student advising at Connecticut
State Colleges and Universities
Students work with advisors to set the curriculum
Advisors and faculty use dashboards to inspect student progress and
make interventions when required
Messages that improve communication and increase response time
DegreeWorks is part of the student advising module in Connecticut State
Colleges and Universities. Students use DegreeWorks to set his/her
educational plans. Unfortunately, in Connecticut, the ratio of advisors to
students is quite staggering. So, what DegreeWorks does is it gives the
faculty and advisors a dashboard so they can analyze which students are not
making their academic plan, and intervene immediately to try to improve the
situation. The advisors nowadays carry out the intervention through a
mobile app, thereby providing quicker response rates. Students get an
indicator in the form of a text message from an advisor through the mobile
application. Thus, DegreeWorks has and is adding a digital advantage to the
schools and colleges of Connecticut, thereby raising the ability to retain
the students and help them graduate on time.
Example 2
The challenge: Guide students to reach their career goals at Pearl River
Community College
Increased retention rates
Improved advising model
Empowered students to take charge of their education
One of the top priorities of the Pearl River Community College is to try
and offer its students a chance to succeed on a daily basis. Many students
show up but are unaware of what to do. DegreeWorks gives them a direction
through the Guided Pathways Program. The advisors determine the area of
interest without forcing the students into any specific programs. So, if a
student needs to get an associate's degree, work and then join back later,
the college has the provision to accept.
DegreeWorks has helped Pearl College to ensure the students leave the
college in good financial shape, allowing the opportunity to use the
limited resources for a better advisement model.
DegreeWorks has helped the college with their goal setting and has equipped
them to better serve the students by giving them clear directions.
DegreeWorks diminishes roadblocks and keeps the goal out in front where the
students of the college can see a very clear pathway to success.
To conclude, DegreeWorks is a game-changer, providing efficiency at an
affordable rate.