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Build your Vocabulary with more than 1300+ free online practice questions/words

The GRE verbal reasoning section is most difficult and requires maximum preparation (Good vocabulary is key to success). The verbal test is scored on a scale of 130-170, in 1-point increments. GRE Verbal exam has questions on Reading Comprehension, Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence.

The test consists of 1300+ questions. You have to select right synonym.


  crouch/settle without permission
  feeling bitterness; spitefulness
  person who eats a lot
  wasteful prodigal licentious extravagant

Usage of rancorous ...
... endorsement of the DC Council subcommittee that drafted it, despite protests from a number of councilmembers about how new ward boundaries are being drawn and repeated calls for respect amidst a process that has proved predictably rancorous. ...

Actually, if newspapers today ran news of every rancorous divorce, the papers would be filled, leaving little room for anything else. But, in 1911, the case of a Middletown couple's divorce and subsequent financial dispute was the top story on the ...

The partisanship has never been more rancorous. This division is fed by misinformation and opinions by bloggers and the media, confusing Americans who hunger for the facts. This is not the unity our founding fathers intended when they wrote the ...

He walked through some of the government options to solve the debt problem, as well as some of the rancorous public opinion surrounding the political solutions. Then he brought in an Andy Warhol work to talk about the housing market. ...

In 1998 a French government led by the Socialist Party set off a rancorous row with Ireland when it pressed for the introduction of a single corporate tax rate throughout the European Union. The drive to harmonise the rates was a “priority project” for ...

Toughest GRE Words

Below are some words (from our collection of 1300+ words) which were answered wrong by most users..
How Important is Verbal GRE?
Lot of international students ask... : I have a good score in TOEFL and if GRE Verbal really important? The short answer is YES. Again to improve vocabulary learn words/synonyms and their usage. Practice as much as you can. Reading quality text is very important(swallowing vocab words may not help a lot).


Word of the day

libertine : immoral person

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