Last Updated: December 09, 2023

Average SAT Score

SAT tests are generally scored from 400 to 1600 where 1600 makes a perfect score. It has two sections, namely, Evidence-based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics each of which is marked within the range of 200 to 800. A score report will contain a lot of information and numbers that have to be figured out in order to understand the report. It usually contains mean scores, percentiles, and even benchmarks with sub-scores and cross-test scores all of which enable a college/university to judge the candidate's readiness for higher studies. But it should be understood that this "figuring out" is necessary because there is no particular passing score and hence averages with regard to state, top universities, public schools, etc. matter in determining the scope for admission.

Determining if the SAT Score is Good.

Calculating Average SAT Score

The average SAT score is determined by adding individual scores of students who attempted the test and then dividing it by the number of examinees who took the test. On a National Level, in 2022, this average was 1050. According to specific sections, it was 529 for the Evidence-based Reading section and 521 for the Math section. As is evident, the averages of specific sections are nearly the same, and that emphasizes the similarities in difficulty levels between sections and the level at which marks can be obtained.

While considering national SAT score averages, tracing it backward for at least 3 years gives an idea of how the average varies and how this can reflect in the next test as well. In 2021, the average score was 1060 with a 533 for ERW and 528 for Math. As for the year 2020, the national average was 1051 with 528 for ERW and 523 for Math. The graph then shows a steady decline in the national averages which can be due to an increase in the difficulty level of the test or a decrease in the number of people who are taking the test.

SAT Score Percentiles

When national SAT score averages provide a distinct idea of how the grades have been declining, it generally leaves the option for speculating the reasons behind the same. This is where one should understand the importance of national percentiles. Percentiles are calculated to give candidates an idea of where they stand in relation to all the test takers who attempted alongside them. It ranges from 1 to 99 and a higher percentile implies a better performance in the test.

The two percentiles that are available in the score report are the nationally representative sample percentile and the SAT user percentile. Here, the sample percentile reflects the percentile that the candidate would have received if all high school graduating students had taken the test. Considering that a lot of students do not attempt the test, the College Board estimates their percentile and then provides one with the sample percentile. On the other hand, the user percentile reflects on the actual position the candidate is in after comparing them to the test takers.

If the candidate received a 65 as their user percentile, it means that they have scored better than 65% of the people who attempted the test. Thus, comparing percentiles and prior knowledge about the percentiles of students accepted into universities will be helpful in estimating one's target score.

Average SAT Score by State

Average SAT scores are calculated according to States and are generally awarded State SAT Awards. These awards are based on certain categories like Highest SAT Score, Team Players with 100 Participation, Highest SAT Score with over 20% Participation, Lowest SAT Score, and Most Variation Between SAT Sections.

In the year 2022, the highest score was recorded in North Dakota with an SAT score of 1287. Since the National average is 1050, this score is 237 points higher. But the factors that have to be considered is that the participation rate for the exam is extremely low in this State and so only very ambitious students who have been preparing for the SAT probably for years attempt the test. This creates a significant increase in the average they achieve.

The State that got the award for having the highest score with around 24% participation in the year 2022 in North Carolina. The average SAT score here is 1127 which is again considerably higher than the national average.

The lowest score among all the states was received by New Mexico which was 901. This is probably because a large proportion of New Mexican seniors took the SAT.

The State that showed the highest variation between sections was West Virginia where students on average got 503 in Math and a 551 for Evidence-based Reading and Writing.

Average SAT Score in Top Universities

National averages and State averages are good enough facts to learn about, but having prior knowledge about them does not increase one's chances of entering into their desired college. Here, what will be necessary is the skill to identify a target score for preparing for the exam. This target score should be based on the 25th and 75th percentiles of the colleges the candidate is aiming to apply for. A table has been provided below containing information regarding the percentiles of various top universities. The general information that has been accumulated here can be used to create a target score that can be aimed for during test preparation.

University/College25th Percentile75th PercentileAverage Score
American University129014201360
Amherst College145015501520
Baylor University117013601270
Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)134015101430
Boston College143015101480
Boston University137014801430
Bowdoin College134015201460
Brigham Young University (BYU)128014501360
Chapman University122013801300
Claremont McKenna College145015401500
College of William and Mary137515201460
Drexel University124014201330
George Washington University (GWU)134014701410
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)137015301470
Harvey Mudd College148015601530
Indiana University Bloomington118013901280
Lehigh University135014801410
Loyola Marymount University128014301350
Miami University117013501270
Michigan State University (MSU)111013201220
Middlebury College142015201466
New York University (NYU)145015501500
Northeastern University145015351500
Ohio State University (OSU)126014201340
Pace University114012901210
Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)122013801300
Pepperdine University129014601390
Pomona College148015401520
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)138015001440
Rutgers University118014101295
Scripps College141015101460
Stony Brook University -SUNY132014801410
Syracuse University126014801410
Temple University113013601245
Texas A&M University116013801270
Texas Christian University (TCU)114013601260
Trinity College132014601380
Tufts University146015401500
Tulane University140015001450
United States Military Academy (West Point)123014301350
United States Naval Academy122014101330
University of Alabama109013701210
University of Arizona114013601240
University of Cincinnati117013501260
University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder)117013801280
University of Connecticut (UConn)122014401330
University of Florida132014701400
University of Georgia (UGA)122014001310
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)135015101440
University of Iowa114013401240
University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)128014501370
University of Miami133014501390
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities130014701378
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)133015001415
University of Pittsburgh128014701370
University of Rochester141015201460
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)123015001370
University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas)118014101290
University of Vermont128014201350
University of Washington132015001420
University of Wisconsin - Madison137015001440
Vassar College144015101480
Villanova University139014801440
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)122014201330
Wake Forest University140015001450
Wellesley College144015401490
Williams College149015501520

It should be understood while perusing the table that the 75th percentile denotes the score that made those students outperform 75% of the students who took the test. Ideally, one should aim for a score higher than the 75th percentile otherwise one should aim for a score nearly the same in order to be able to get admission to that particular college/university.

But this doesn't mean that a high SAT score is sufficient to procure a college seat. Perfect SAT scores have still been rejected by universities if the other parts of the application appear weak. In other words, even if one's SAT score is below average, with great letters of recommendation and an exemplary college application, they will be able to get the seat that they desire.

Top 15 Universities/Colleges That Don't Require the SAT

The top 15 universities that don't require the SAT are listed below:

SAT Scores-General Information

Reading the score report may require extra learning. The report will have red/yellow/green symbols next to the section scores. This shows the candidate's readiness for going to college/university after they graduate. Only the green symbol conveys that the candidate is ready for college. The yellow depicts the idea that more work has to be put in whereas the red conveys the message that they are not quite ready for stepping into higher education as of now. Do NOT take the report as a fact since it is not an IQ test but only reflects the amount of information that has been retained from school.

There will be a score range in the report portraying how the score can vary upon retaking the test at multiple periods in time. Colleges, therefore, look at the score range instead of the exact score to understand the candidateā„¢s skills better than relying on a one-time test score entirely.

The score that one will mostly receive before graduation will be a clear indicator of skills that can be improved and skills that one already excels in. Taking the test earlier helps the candidate and their teacher understand their weak points and work on them to eventually take a retest or to balance their profile with other aspects.

The "Career Insights" section of the candidates' score reports has been added since the launch of the Digital SAT. Career Insights determines how a candidate's skills are projected to align with the career they are viewing based on their Math, Reading, and Writing scores from their most recent PSAT or SAT.

As part of their career exploration, candidates might also want to look into their values, interests, and developing skills and abilities.

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